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Public Hearings

Posted Date: 5/25/24 (:00 AM)

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Los Olivos School District will hold public hearings June 10, 2024.  The hearings will be held during the regularly scheduled Board of Trustees meeting at 5:30 p.m. in the Robert Parsons Library, 2540 Alamo Pintado Avenue, Los Olivos, CA 93441
  1. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Los Olivos School District Governing Board will hold public hearings June 10, 2024. The hearings will be held during the regularly scheduled Board of Trustees meeting at 5:30 p.m. in the Library, 2540 Alamo Pintado Avenue, Los Olivos, CA 93441. 
    1. Public Hearing: Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) 2024-2025
    2. Public Hearing: School Budget 2024-2025

 [E.C. 42127 and 52062]